Justin Ng

Justin Ng


I am a Software Engineering LMTS at Salesforce in the Business Technology organization. For years, my area of focus was to maintain the company's customer order automation system, and build in-house developer tools to enhance productivity.

Since November 2021, I joined the Slack-on-Slack team and now create user-facing applications on the Slack platform with the aim of making our users' lives Simple, Pleasant and More Productive. I have also been tasked with building Java/Spring-based microservices to boost developer productivity.

I code in C (rarely), Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and have built applications on Spring, Flask, Rails, React+Express, and now Next.js.


No images. The gallery is WIP!

Fun Facts
  • I have lived in the US for only a combined total of 4 years -- first in California in 2017-2018, then Colorado in 2019-2020, then back to California in 2020-2022. I was born and raised in Singapore where my family and friends are. I have relocated to Singapore permanently
  • I am Singapore's first member of the All Fifty States Club, having visited 50 states between 2011 and 2021
  • I served in the military for 2 years when I was 17. Was a Leopard tank driver with rank of Corporal, First Class (CFC). I count drifting a tank (by accident) during a parade as a highlight
  • I collect various Singlish-themed vanity license plates of states which I have been a resident in, including (CA) PAI SEH, (CA) YYAPPYA, and (CO) ALAMAK

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