Justin Ng

Justin Ng

Navigating Our Financial Journey with SpendBot

In the exciting venture towards our first home, my wife and I found ourselves seeking a reliable solution to manage our finances efficiently. Enter SpendBot—an expense tracking app tailored to fit seamlessly into our lives. Allow me to share our experience, with a special mention of a feature that has made our financial journey smoother.

Simplifying Our Finance Routine

With our dream home on the horizon, keeping a close eye on our expenses is paramount. SpendBot's user-friendly interface makes entering our expenditures effortless, integrating seamlessly into our daily routine. Logging our expenses quickly became second nature, eliminating the stress of manual tracking.

Adding an expense on the web app
Adding an expense on the web app

The AI Touch

The highlight of our SpendBot experience is undeniably the AI-Powered Intelligent Receipt Scanning. Snap a photo of a receipt, send it to the Telegram bot, and watch as the AI magic unfolds. OpenAI's GPT models will effortlessly scan, identify, and record expense details, making receipt management a breeze.

Companion Telegram Bot helps with receipt scanning
Companion Telegram Bot helps with receipt scanning

Gaining Insights for Our Home Fund

As a young married couple saving for our first home, understanding our spending habits is crucial. SpendBot's detailed expense breakdown by month, category, and payment method is our beacon. It provides invaluable insights that empower us to make informed decisions about budgeting and allocate funds wisely towards our shared goal.

Tracking our financial goals
Tracking our financial goals

Harmony with Google Sheets

The integration of SpendBot with Google Sheets was an easy choice. This ensures real-time updates, collaborative accessibility, and a reliable platform for exporting and analyzing our financial data. With SpendBot's integration, exporting and analyzing our financial data is a breeze, eliminating the need for us to grapple with the complexities of managing a separate database.

Tech Backbone for Seamless Finance

Built on JavaScript using the Next.js framework and hosted on Vercel, SpendBot's tech foundation delivered a responsive and dynamic user experience. Whether we accessed it from our laptops or smartphones, the experience remained seamless, adding a touch of modern efficiency to our financial journey.

A Trusty Finance Companion

SpendBot isn't just an app; it's become a trusted companion on our journey towards homeownership. For a young couple like us, navigating the complexities of budgeting and saving is made simpler with SpendBot's intuitive features. Crucially, we developed SpendBot in-house, forging a creation uniquely ours -– a testament to our commitment and ownership in this financial journey. Stay tuned for more!


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